Dunbar's Number was created by Robin Dunbar's the anthropologist who studied group sizing in comparisons to brain size among primates. he proposed that it was comfortable for humans to have 150 stable relationships, as any more requires a complex network of rules, laws and an enforcement of the norm to maintain a stable group. this explains how some find themselves isolated and often on the wrong side of the law as it is unnatural for humans to live together in such high density as in cities.
in fritz Lang's silent movie 'Metropolis' the top 10% elite function better as they are a smaller group and have more time to consider and understand one another. the bottom 90% is made of the working class and as individuals are easily lost within the masses and except isolation of individuals as they preform back breaking work that dose not require much in the way of thought prosses. in Rome they would be described as the mob and as such, are quick to turn against anything not considered to be the norm. at the end of the movie after the riot the top 10% are still the elite, and bottom 80% are of the working class. however as a new go between class has now been created to entertained, distract and inform between the two other groups. we might recognise this today as the media who tell the masses what form there opinion should take, while getting pay rises from the elite.
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